Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm a Blogger!!

Hello there!   I am so excited to start blogging....problem....I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M DOING!!!!!!!

I have always been fascinated by the amazing teachers who have an amazing way with words; not to mention all their great ideas.  So... I have been sitting here for hours reading some great blogs trying to figure out what direction I want to take my blog in.   Well, I'm still not sure, but I figured I'd better start somewhere!

So, this is it. My blog, Seusstastic Kinder. Why did I chose that name? Well, my class them is Dr. Seuss, and I teach Kinder...duh....I really just chose it because I couldn't come up with anything that sounded whimsical smart  unique.

I do know that I will just have to show off my classroom soon, so check back for my classroom pictures.

I could use a lot of help blogging and figuring all this out, so if you know anyone or have pointers please contact me! I love hearing from other teachers and getting new ideas!

Have a Seusstastic night!

Mrs. Konarek

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